David B. Vagnoni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Dairy Nutrition
Office: Bldg 10, Rm 134
Phone: (805) 756-7698
Email: dvagnoni@calpoly.edu
• B.S. Tulane University
• M.S. Louisiana State University
• Ph.D. University of Wisconsin
Teaching/Area of Discipline:
• Dairy Nutrition
Dr. Vagnoni’s primary interest lies in the ruminal degradation of the carbohydrate fractions of forages, high fiber byproducts, and cereal grains. Ruminal carbohydrate fermentation is critical to the nutrition of dairy cattle because it: provides the majority of metabolizable energy in the form of volatile fatty acids; is the primary driver of ruminal microbial protein synthesis, and thus is central in protein nutrition; and often constitutes a challenge to ruminal health due to the resultant acid load. The goal is to best utilize carbohydrate-rich feedstuffs available to California dairy producers through dietary formulation that optimizes animal productivity and well-being.